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Lifecycle Hooks

Lifecycle hooks provide a way to run code in response to a certain part of a tippy's lifecycle. They are listed here in the usual order in which they occur. Every lifecycle hook takes the instance as its first argument.

These functions are how you hook into a tippy instance's lifecycle to add functionality via a plugin.


Executed a single time when a tippy is first created.

tippy(reference, { onCreate(instance) { // ... }, });


Executed when a tippy is triggered by a DOM event (e.g. mouseenter, focus, click), but before it starts to show.

tippy(reference, { onTrigger(instance, event) { // ... }, });


Executed when a tippy begins to show, but before it gets mounted to the DOM.

You can optionally return false to cancel the tippy from showing.

tippy(reference, { onShow(instance) { // ... return false; // cancels it }, });

Note: plugins ignore return false due to compositional issues. Only a tippy instance's own props can use this feature.


Executed when the tippy element is mounted to the DOM.

tippy(reference, { onMount(instance) { // ... }, });


Executed when a tippy has fully transitioned in.

tippy(reference, { onShown(instance) { // ... }, });


Executed when a tippy was untriggered by a DOM event (e.g. mouseleave, blur, click), but before it starts to hide.

tippy(reference, { onUntrigger(instance, event) { // ... }, });


Executed when a tippy begins to hide and transition out.

You can optionally return false to cancel the tippy from hiding.

tippy(reference, { onHide(instance) { // ... return false; // cancels it }, });

Note: plugins ignore return false due to compositional issues. Only a tippy instance's own props can use this feature.


Executed when a tippy has fully transitioned out and unmounted from the DOM.

tippy(reference, { onHidden(instance) { // ... }, });


Executed before a tippy's props are updated (via .setContent() or .setProps()).

tippy(reference, { onBeforeUpdate(instance, updatedProps) { // ... }, });


Executed after a tippy's props are updated (via .setContent() or .setProps()).

tippy(reference, { onAfterUpdate(instance, updatedProps) { // ... }, });


Executed a single time when a tippy is destroyed.

tippy(reference, { onDestroy(instance) { // ... }, });
Lifecycle HooksAccessibility

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