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Tippies use an opacity fade transition by default.

#Included animations

The package comes with extra animations for you to use:

  • shift-away
  • shift-toward
  • scale
  • perspective

They need to be imported separately.

import 'tippy.js/animations/scale.css';

Pass the animation name as the animation prop:

tippy('button', { animation: 'scale', });

Each of these animations also has 3 variants (normal, subtle, and extreme) using the following format:

import 'tippy.js/animations/scale.css'; import 'tippy.js/animations/scale-subtle.css'; import 'tippy.js/animations/scale-extreme.css';

#Custom animations

To create your own animation:

  • Specify the animation name in the [data-animation] attribute selector
  • Target the visibility state of the tippy: [data-state="hidden"] or [data-state="visible"]
  • Depending on the animation, target the placement of the tippy too: e.g. [data-placement^="top"]
.tippy-box[data-animation='rotate'][data-state='hidden'] { opacity: 0; transform: rotate(90deg); }
tippy('button', { animation: 'rotate', });


There's a prop named inertia that adds an elastic inertial effect to the tippy, which is a limited CSS-only way to mimic spring physics.

tippy('button', { inertia: true, });

You can customize this prop in your CSS:

.tippy-box[data-inertia][data-state='visible'] { transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(...); }

#Material filling effect

Seen here.

Import the animateFill plugin, plus dist/backdrop.css & animations/shift-away.css stylesheets.

import tippy, {animateFill} from 'tippy.js'; import 'tippy.js/dist/backdrop.css'; import 'tippy.js/animations/shift-away.css'; tippy(targets, { animateFill: true, plugins: [animateFill], });

#CSS animations

Maybe plain transitions aren't enough for your use case. You can also use CSS animations (e.g. animate.css):

tippy('button', { onMount(instance) { const box = instance.popper.firstElementChild; requestAnimationFrame(() => { box.classList.add('animated'); box.classList.add('wobble'); }); }, onHidden(instance) { const box = instance.popper.firstElementChild; box.classList.remove('animated'); box.classList.remove('wobble'); }, });

You can also use @keyframes and add the animation property to your animation selector too.

ThemesTippy Instance

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