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Headless Tippy

"Headless Tippy" refers to Tippy without any of the default element rendering or CSS. This allows you to create your own element from scratch and use Tippy for its logic only.

This means all props marked with the R symbol in All Props no longer "work" by default, since it's your responsibility to create these features.


Replace your imports:

- import tippy from 'tippy.js'; + import tippy from 'tippy.js/headless';
- <script src=""></script> + <script src=""></script>

When using Headless Tippy, all imports (e.g. followCursor) should also be specified from this import, otherwise you will end up with duplicate code bloat.

import tippy, {followCursor} from 'tippy.js/headless';

#Use in conjunction with Default Tippy

You can use Tippy in headless mode when using the default import as well, but you should disable animations by default:

import tippy from 'tippy.js'; // This ensures your tippy will unmount if you haven't yet implemented // animations. tippy.setDefaultProps({animation: false});


The render prop is how you create your own tippy element:

import tippy from 'tippy.js/headless'; tippy(targets, { content: 'Hello!', render(instance) { // The recommended structure is to use the popper as an outer wrapper // element, with an inner `box` element const popper = document.createElement('div'); const box = document.createElement('div'); popper.appendChild(box); box.className = 'my-custom-class'; box.textContent = instance.props.content; function onUpdate(prevProps, nextProps) { // DOM diffing if (prevProps.content !== nextProps.content) { box.textContent = nextProps.content; } } // Return an object with two properties: // - `popper` (the root popper element) // - `onUpdate` callback whenever .setProps() or .setContent() is called return { popper, onUpdate, // optional }; }, });


When using Headless Tippy, animations are not enabled (animation: false) by default.

To enable animations, set animation: true (or a string) — this will require you to invoke instance.unmount() whenever your hide animation completes.

tippy(targets, { animation: true, onHide(instance) { // perform your hide animation in here, then once it completes, call // instance.unmount() // Example: unmounting must be async (like a real animation) requestAnimationFrame(instance.unmount); }, });


Tippy performs a few mutations to your popper element, so you should avoid specifying these:


  • id attribute is set (for accessibility)
  • data-tippy-root attribute is set (to allow for nesting)


  • _tippy property is set on it (to allow for nesting)


  • pointerEvents is changed based on the interactive prop
  • transition is changed based on the moveTransition prop
  • zIndex is changed based on the zIndex prop

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